Asteroide 2012DA14

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Tue, 12/02/2013 - 19:05 #1

Asteroide 2012DA14

Hola a tothom.
El proper dia 15 de febrer l'asteroide 2012DA14 passarà molt a prop de la Terra. Tenim previst intentar prendre imatges des de l'observatori, per fer mesures i per mirar de fer una animació, tot i que els pronòstics del temps no seran gens favorables.
Per poder fer-ho caldran pujar algun dia previament, per mirar de tenir el material a punt.
Si hi ha algun soci que vulqui colaborar en el treball, si us plau que es posi en contacte amb mi.


Fri, 15/02/2013 - 14:46
tianenc's picture

Re: Asteroide 2012DA14


A quien le pueda interesar copio aquí un poco "a piñon" los datos que he obtenido en una página de la nasa para poder obrevar el cometa desde el observatorio de Tiana. Espero que sean correctos. En negrita he resaltado las coordenadas de las horas en que se debería ver.

Lo he sacado de aquí:

JPL/HORIZONS (2012 DA14) 2013-Feb-15 05:39:41
Rec #:728624 (+COV) 2013-Feb-14_13:04:22 # obs: 305 (2012-2013)

FK5/J2000.0 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (AU, DAYS, DEG, period=Julian yrs):

EPOCH= 2456338.5 ! 2013-Feb-15.00 (CT) Residual RMS= .26909
EC= .1103416546449984 QR= .8922806064941023 TP= 2456261.8325805306
OM= 147.1675073455429 W= 271.3266429993062 IN= 10.5764852893898
A= 1.002947492318587 MA= 75.23113678964279 ADIST= 1.113614378143072
PER= 1.00444 N= .981266062 ANGMOM= .017122236
DAN= .98821 DDN= .99327 L= 58.5170701
B= -10.5736176 TP= 2012-Nov-30.3325805306

Physical parameters (KM, SEC, rotational period in hours):
GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a.
H= 24.106 G= .150 B-V= n.a.
ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a.

ASTEROID comments:
1: soln ref.= JPL#48, OCC=0
2: source=ORB

Ephemeris / WWW_USER Fri Feb 15 05:39:41 2013 Pasadena, USA / Horizons
Target body name: (2012 DA14) {source: JPL#48}
Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE405}
Center-site name: Observatori Astronomic de Tiana
Start time : A.D. 2013-Feb-15 00:00:00.0000 UT
Stop time : A.D. 2013-Feb-17 00:00:00.0000 UT
Step-size : 30 minutes
Target pole/equ : No model available
Target radii : (unavailable)
Center geodetic : 2.26190000,41.4918358,0.2275053 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)}
Center cylindric: 2.26190000,4784.75326,4203.6403 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)}
Center pole/equ : High-precision EOP model {East-longitude +}
Center radii : 6378.1 x 6378.1 x 6356.8 km {Equator, meridian, pole}
Target primary : Sun {source: DE405}
Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE405}
Rel. light bend : Sun, EARTH {source: DE405}
Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11, 3.9860E+05 km^3/s^2
Small perturbers: Ceres, Pallas, Vesta {source: SB405-CPV-2}
Small body GMs : 6.32E+01, 1.43E+01, 1.78E+01 km^3/s^2
Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS)
RA format : HMS
Time format : CAL
RTS-only print : NO
EOP file : eop.130214.p130508
EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2013-FEB-14. PREDICTS-> 2013-MAY-07
Units conversion: 1 AU= 149597870.691 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s
Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO )
Table cut-offs 2: Solar Elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO )
Initial FK5/J2000.0 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (AU, DAYS, DEG):
EPOCH= 2456338.5 ! 2013-Feb-15.00 (CT) Residual RMS= .26909
EC= .1103416546449984 QR= .8922806064941023 TP= 2456261.8325805306
OM= 147.1675073455429 W= 271.3266429993062 IN= 10.5764852893898
Asteroid physical parameters (KM, SEC, rotational period in hours):
GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a.
H= 24.106 G= .150 B-V= n.a.
ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a.
Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A._(ICRF/J2000.0)_DEC APmag delta deldot
2013-Feb-15 00:00 00 32 47.61 -75 02 01.2 15.92 0.00306088960547 -6.2008835
2013-Feb-15 00:30 00 34 08.44 -75 06 38.1 15.86 0.00298620698248 -6.2129033
2013-Feb-15 01:00 00 35 39.98 -75 11 58.3 15.79 0.00291137544621 -6.2256019
2013-Feb-15 01:30 00 37 22.29 -75 18 07.5 15.73 0.00283638806808 -6.2387719
2013-Feb-15 02:00 00 39 15.39 -75 25 11.0 15.66 0.00276124046446 -6.2521984
2013-Feb-15 02:30 00 41 19.28 -75 33 14.3 15.58 0.00268593086149 -6.2656632
2013-Feb-15 03:00 00 43 34.01 -75 42 22.8 15.51 0.00261046011330 -6.2789483
2013-Feb-15 03:30 00 45 59.66 -75 52 42.1 15.43 0.00253483167339 -6.2918402
2013-Feb-15 04:00 00 48 36.37 -76 04 17.7 15.35 0.00245905152038 -6.3041334
2013-Feb-15 04:30 00 51 24.41 -76 17 15.2 15.26 0.00238312803989 -6.3156340
2013-Feb-15 05:00 00 54 24.17 -76 31 40.3 15.18 0.00230707186520 -6.3261629
2013-Feb-15 05:30 A 00 57 36.26 -76 47 38.9 15.08 0.00223089568053 -6.3355588
2013-Feb-15 06:00 N 01 01 01.58 -77 05 17.0 14.99 0.00215461399125 -6.3436806
2013-Feb-15 06:30 C 01 04 41.39 -77 24 41.2 14.89 0.00207824286681 -6.3504097
2013-Feb-15 07:00 * 01 08 37.46 -77 45 58.1 14.78 0.00200179966284 -6.3556513
2013-Feb-15 07:30 * 01 12 52.31 -78 09 15.1 14.67 0.00192530273034 -6.3593349
2013-Feb-15 08:00 * 01 17 29.39 -78 34 39.9 14.56 0.00184877112131 -6.3614143
2013-Feb-15 08:30 * 01 22 33.60 -79 02 21.1 14.44 0.00177222430183 -6.3618666
2013-Feb-15 09:00 * 01 28 11.85 -79 32 28.1 14.31 0.00169568188644 -6.3606897
2013-Feb-15 09:30 *m 01 34 34.08 -80 05 10.9 14.18 0.00161916341041 -6.3578980
2013-Feb-15 10:00 *m 01 41 54.86 -80 40 40.4 14.04 0.00154268816179 -6.3535171
2013-Feb-15 10:30 *m 01 50 36.11 -81 19 07.1 13.90 0.00146627510181 -6.3475742
2013-Feb-15 11:00 *m 02 01 11.93 -82 00 40.3 13.75 0.00138994291270 -6.3400859
2013-Feb-15 11:30 *m 02 14 37.41 -82 45 24.0 13.58 0.00131371022832 -6.3310402
2013-Feb-15 12:00 *m 02 32 25.79 -83 33 08.4 13.41 0.00123759612862 -6.3203698
2013-Feb-15 12:30 *m 02 57 22.48 -84 23 08.9 13.23 0.00116162102007 -6.3079138
2013-Feb-15 13:00 *m 03 34 29.77 -85 13 13.2 13.03 0.00108580809265 -6.2933588
2013-Feb-15 13:30 *m 04 32 27.20 -85 57 28.3 12.82 0.00101018565943 -6.2761481
2013-Feb-15 14:00 *m 06 00 11.82 -86 22 11.0 12.59 0.00093479088557 -6.2553368
2013-Feb-15 14:30 *m 07 46 12.78 -86 06 14.0 12.34 0.00085967577350 -6.2293532
2013-Feb-15 15:00 *m 09 14 52.41 -84 58 42.6 12.06 0.00078491693606 -6.1955908
2013-Feb-15 15:30 *m 10 13 17.87 -83 04 20.7 11.76 0.00071063196368 -6.1496868
2013-Feb-15 16:00 *m 10 50 09.34 -80 26 04.8 11.41 0.00063700772193 -6.0841926
2013-Feb-15 16:30 *m 11 14 16.86 -76 58 01.2 11.02 0.00056435112816 -5.9860222
2013-Feb-15 17:00 *m 11 30 52.54 -72 24 52.0 10.57 0.00049318402345 -5.8313628
2013-Feb-15 17:30 Cm 11 42 49.40 -66 19 28.4 10.06 0.00042442746680 -5.5752508
2013-Feb-15 18:00 Nm 11 51 48.60 -57 57 24.2 9.46 0.00035976862390 -5.1305618
2013-Feb-15 18:30 Am 11 58 56.19 -46 11 32.4 8.77 0.00030237104992 -4.3321936
2013-Feb-15 19:00 m 12 05 02.95 -29 45 11.5 8.06 0.00025798394499 -2.9210352
2013-Feb-15 19:30 m 12 10 51.92 -08 35 52.9 7.50 0.00023524088022 -0.7465500
2013-Feb-15 20:00 r 12 16 51.71 +13 53 55.6 7.41 0.00024122961835 1.7120705
2013-Feb-15 20:30 m 12 23 10.62 +32 56 11.8 7.83 0.00027414546048 3.6283141
2013-Feb-15 21:00 m 12 29 46.90 +46 51 39.4 8.42 0.00032547469974 4.7948045
2013-Feb-15 21:30 m 12 36 38.55 +56 37 16.6 8.98 0.00038747254004 5.4472277
2013-Feb-15 22:00 m 12 43 45.38 +63 32 36.7 9.48 0.00045542195997 5.8134308
2013-Feb-15 22:30 m 12 51 08.68 +68 35 37.2 9.91 0.00052675717240 6.0255365
2013-Feb-15 23:00 m 12 58 50.76 +72 23 14.9 10.29 0.00060008394217 6.1524867
2013-Feb-15 23:30 13 06 54.76 +75 18 40.7 10.61 0.00067461737806 6.2303651

2013-Feb-16 00:00 13 15 24.59 +77 36 44.7 10.90 0.00074989620472 6.2787379
2013-Feb-16 00:30 t 13 24 24.85 +79 27 13.4 11.16 0.00082563803052 6.3086799
2013-Feb-16 01:00 13 34 00.84 +80 56 45.6 11.39 0.00090166370767 6.3267312
2013-Feb-16 01:30 13 44 18.32 +82 10 00.4 11.60 0.00097785618639 6.3369092
2013-Feb-16 02:00 13 55 23.31 +83 10 17.8 11.79 0.00105413721624 6.3417728
2013-Feb-16 02:30 14 07 21.56 +84 00 05.0 11.96 0.00113045365014 6.3430071
2013-Feb-16 03:00 14 20 17.91 +84 41 12.0 12.12 0.00120676911241 6.3417559
2013-Feb-16 03:30 14 34 15.30 +85 15 03.0 12.27 0.00128305876808 6.3388181
2013-Feb-16 04:00 14 49 13.71 +85 42 43.4 12.41 0.00135930594075 6.3347660
2013-Feb-16 04:30 15 05 09.06 +86 05 05.1 12.54 0.00143549986239 6.3300188
2013-Feb-16 05:00 15 21 52.47 +86 22 50.5 12.67 0.00151163413295 6.3248893
2013-Feb-16 05:30 A 15 39 10.21 +86 36 34.9 12.78 0.00158770563413 6.3196140
2013-Feb-16 06:00 N 15 56 44.55 +86 46 48.7 12.89 0.00166371373957 6.3143732
2013-Feb-16 06:30 C 16 14 15.71 +86 53 58.9 13.00 0.00173965972144 6.3093039
2013-Feb-16 07:00 * 16 31 24.17 +86 58 29.6 13.10 0.00181554628974 6.3045091
2013-Feb-16 07:30 * 16 47 53.10 +87 00 42.8 13.20 0.00189137722285 6.3000643
2013-Feb-16 08:00 * 17 03 29.93 +87 00 58.2 13.29 0.00196715706235 6.2960213
2013-Feb-16 08:30 * 17 18 07.10 +86 59 33.4 13.38 0.00204289085456 6.2924126
2013-Feb-16 09:00 * 17 31 41.71 +86 56 43.9 13.46 0.00211858392726 6.2892529
2013-Feb-16 09:30 * 17 44 14.74 +86 52 43.5 13.55 0.00219424169442 6.2865420
2013-Feb-16 10:00 *m 17 55 49.87 +86 47 43.9 13.63 0.00226986948430 6.2842662
2013-Feb-16 10:30 *m 18 06 32.38 +86 41 55.4 13.70 0.00234547238829 6.2823999
2013-Feb-16 11:00 *m 18 16 28.33 +86 35 26.9 13.78 0.00242105512896 6.2809076
2013-Feb-16 11:30 *m 18 25 43.85 +86 28 26.2 13.85 0.00249662194664 6.2797450
2013-Feb-16 12:00 *m 18 34 24.75 +86 21 00.1 13.92 0.00257217650436 6.2788605
2013-Feb-16 12:30 *m 18 42 36.27 +86 13 14.9 13.99 0.00264772181096 6.2781972
2013-Feb-16 13:00 *m 18 50 22.97 +86 05 16.0 14.06 0.00272326016263 6.2776939
2013-Feb-16 13:30 *m 18 57 48.74 +85 57 08.5 14.13 0.00279879310288 6.2772868
2013-Feb-16 14:00 *m 19 04 56.78 +85 48 56.8 14.19 0.00287432140076 6.2769111
2013-Feb-16 14:30 *m 19 11 49.70 +85 40 45.2 14.25 0.00294984504719 6.2765026
2013-Feb-16 15:00 *m 19 18 29.58 +85 32 37.4 14.32 0.00302536326886 6.2759988
2013-Feb-16 15:30 *m 19 24 58.03 +85 24 36.9 14.38 0.00310087455897 6.2753403
2013-Feb-16 16:00 *m 19 31 16.26 +85 16 46.8 14.44 0.00317637672396 6.2744726
2013-Feb-16 16:30 *m 19 37 25.15 +85 09 10.1 14.49 0.00325186694486 6.2733465
2013-Feb-16 17:00 *m 19 43 25.31 +85 01 49.3 14.55 0.00332734185198 6.2719197
2013-Feb-16 17:30 Cm 19 49 17.12 +84 54 46.6 14.60 0.00340279761121 6.2701575
2013-Feb-16 18:00 Nm 19 55 00.74 +84 48 04.2 14.66 0.00347823002015 6.2680335
2013-Feb-16 18:30 Am 20 00 36.19 +84 41 43.8 14.71 0.00355363461203 6.2655302
2013-Feb-16 19:00 m 20 06 03.36 +84 35 46.9 14.76 0.00362900676538 6.2626395
2013-Feb-16 19:30 m 20 11 22.01 +84 30 14.7 14.81 0.00370434181716 6.2593626
2013-Feb-16 20:00 m 20 16 31.82 +84 25 08.1 14.86 0.00377963517718 6.2557104
2013-Feb-16 20:30 m 20 21 32.40 +84 20 27.8 14.91 0.00385488244158 6.2517030
2013-Feb-16 21:00 m 20 26 23.28 +84 16 14.2 14.95 0.00393007950298 6.2473694
2013-Feb-16 21:30 m 20 31 03.96 +84 12 27.6 15.00 0.00400522265537 6.2427473
2013-Feb-16 22:00 m 20 35 33.88 +84 09 07.7 15.04 0.00408030869153 6.2378819
2013-Feb-16 22:30 m 20 39 52.47 +84 06 14.3 15.09 0.00415533499112 6.2328252
2013-Feb-16 23:00 m 20 43 59.14 +84 03 46.6 15.13 0.00423029959766 6.2276355
2013-Feb-16 23:30 m 20 47 53.28 +84 01 44.0 15.17 0.00430520128296 6.2223754
2013-Feb-17 00:00 m 20 51 34.30 +84 00 05.1 15.21 0.00438003959762 6.2171115
Column meaning:


Prior to 1962, times are UT1. Dates thereafter are UTC. Any 'b' symbol in
the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D.
date. Calendar dates prior to 1582-Oct-15 are in the Julian calendar system.
Later calendar dates are in the Gregorian system.

Time tags refer to the same instant throughout the universe, regardless of
where the observer is located.

The uniform Coordinate Time scale is used internally. It is equivalent to
the current IAU definition of "TDB". Conversion between CT and the selected
non-uniform UT output scale has not been determined for UTC times after the
next July or January 1st. The last known leap-second is used over any future

NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time.

Time tag is followed by a blank, then a solar-presence symbol:

'*' Daylight (refracted solar upper-limb on or above apparent horizon)
'C' Civil twilight/dawn
'N' Nautical twilight/dawn
'A' Astronomical twilight/dawn
' ' Night OR geocentric ephemeris

The solar-presence symbol is immediately followed by another marker symbol:

'm' Refracted upper-limb of Moon on or above apparent horizon
' ' Refracted upper-limb of Moon below apparent horizon OR geocentric
'r' Rise (target body on or above cut-off RTS elevation)
't' Transit (target body at or past local maximum RTS elevation)
's' Set (target body on or below cut-off RTS elevation)

Rise and set are with respect to the reference ellipsoid true visual horizon
defined by the elevation cut-off angle. Horizon dip and yellow-light refraction
(Earth only) are considered. Accuracy is < or = to twice the requested search

R.A._(ICRF/J2000.0)_DEC =
J2000.0 astrometric right ascension and declination of target center.
Corrected for light-time. Units: HMS (HH MM SS.ff) and DMS (DD MM SS.f)

APmag =
Asteroid's approximate apparent visual magnitude by following definition:
APmag = H + 5*log10(delta) + 5*log10(r) - 2.5*log10((1-G)*phi1 + G*phi2).
In principle, accurate to ~ +/- 0.1 magnitude. For solar phase angles > 90 deg,
the error could exceed 1 magnitude. No values are output for phase angles
greater than 120 degrees, since the extrapolation error could be large and
unknown. Units: NONE

delta deldot =
Range ("delta") and range-rate ("delta-dot") of target center with respect
to the observer at the instant light seen by the observer at print-time would
have left the target center (print-time minus down-leg light-time); the
distance traveled by a light ray emanating from the center of the target and
recorded by the observer at print-time. "deldot" is a projection of the
velocity vector along this ray, the light-time-corrected line-of-sight from the
coordinate center, and indicates relative motion. A positive "deldot" means the
target center is moving away from the observer (coordinate center). A negative
"deldot" means the target center is moving toward the observer.
Units: AU and KM/S

Computations by ...
Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System
4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Connect : telnet:// (via browser)
telnet 6775 (via command-line)
Author : [email protected]


Fri, 15/02/2013 - 16:55

Re: Asteroide 2012DA14

La Griselda i jo hem pujat el dimarts i el dimecres per anar fent els preparatius....
Dimarts vam estar prenent imatges de calibració, vam fer 100 imatges de BIAS i 24 imatges dark de 2 minuts d'exposició cada una.
Dimecres vam fer les imatges de calibració i vam estar fent proves d'orientació amb el telescopi, ent servir un llistat semblant al que has posat aqui. Vam veure que sembla que sortià de darrera de l'horitzó est-nordest cap a un quart de deu (temps civil).
Vam estar prenent fotografies dels diferents camps per on ha de passar l'asteroide. Amb exposicions de 5 segons es poden captar estrelles de magnitud 14, o sigui que les prendrem d'un o dos segons perque l'asteroide serà relativament brillant (magnitud 8 aproximadament) i així sortirà menys mogut.
I vam tenir una petita sorpresa... en una de les imatges, la que correspondria a la posició de l'asteroide a les 21:30 TU (22:30 TC)... Fixeu-vos que la posició prevista és AR=12h 36m 38.55 seg, Dec.=+56º 37' 16.6", a la constel·lació de l'Ossa Major. En la imatge de 5 segons que vam fer apareixia una taqueta... que resulta ser la galàxia NGC4605. Es una galàxia espiral, que es veu molt de perfil, amb unes dimensions aparents de 5.8 x 2.1 minuts d'arc, i una magnitud aparent de 10.9. Vam fer 10 exposicions de 1 minut, que vam sumar... aquí la teniu, tot i que amb una mica de boira. No se per que no vam poder-les gravar directament en format jpg amb el programa d'adquisició d'imatges i vam haver-la de passar per l'Iris, amb la qual cosa ha perdut una mica de qualitat...
Serà interessant mirar de fotografiar l'asteroide passant al costat de la galàxia.


A veure si el temps acompanya. De moment el pronòstic és una mica millor que el de ahir, segons el meteoblue estarà un 50% del cel tapat, mentre que ahir parlaven del 100%.

Ramón Bosque
Astronomia Amateur (3a edició):

Fri, 15/02/2013 - 16:56

Re: Asteroide 2012DA14

Avui tenim previst arribar a l'observatori a les 20 hores, a veure si podem preparar les coses amb antelació. Esperem que el temps acompanyi.

Ramón Bosque
Astronomia Amateur (3a edició):

Fri, 15/02/2013 - 19:36
tianenc's picture

Re: Asteroide 2012DA14


Segons cartesduciel això passarà abans, al voltant de les 1945 ut. :o Alguna cosa no estic mirant be!!!! El punt blanc al costat de la galaxia es l'asteroide

upload pic

Fri, 15/02/2013 - 21:31
Griselda's picture

Re: Asteroide 2012DA14

Res. Mala sort. Completament tapat.