El cometa 109P/Swift-Tuttle, pare honorífic de les Perseides, va passar per darrera vegada pel nostre barri el 1992. Algú de vosaltres el va observar? Perquè tenint en compte que té un periode de 135 anys...tots calbs quan torni a passar....
Però mireu aquesta ressenya de la revista New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn7449) segons la qual hi ha possibilitats d'impacte del 109P/Swift-Tuttle amb la terra:
[...] Just one other comet, Swift-Tuttle, has been recorded with a non-zero possibility of impact. It was rediscovered in 1992 - after more than a century's absence - before the JPL list was created.
Additional observations during Swift-Tuttle's passage, thanks to the publicity surrounding the possible impact, made it possible to rule out the possibility of an Earth impact anytime in this millennium. However, Swift-Tuttle is on an orbit that will almost certainly cause it to crash into the Earth or the moon eventually.[...]
Finalment un interessant article sobre el cometa: http://meteorshowersonline.com/perseids.html