I want to be beautiful and forever young

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Lun, 22/04/2024 - 15:27 #1
Imagen de ParkerJane

I want to be beautiful and forever young

Hello, I am considering cosmetic surgery in Mexico. How safe are such operations there? Are there any peculiarities to pay attention to?

Lun, 22/04/2024 - 16:04
Felicity Fleming
Imagen de Felicity Fleming

Re: I want to be beautiful and forever young

Hi. In my experience, safety in plastic surgery centers in Mexico is at a very high level. It is important to choose a clinic that has good reviews and a license. I recommend paying attention to the qualifications of the doctors and the availability of modern equipment. You can learn about all this on the https://clinicsoncall.com/en/clinics/country-mexico/plastic-surgery/ ClinicsOnCall portal. They will give you a consultation and choose a clinic according to your budget.